“You bought a WHAT?” You Aren’t Going To Believe Who’s Coming To My Spiritual Homestead

I feel a bit torn about what I did but when you hear how this went you might totally relate or you might think I’m intoxicated but either way it’s gonna be interesting.

So the other night I dreamed all night long about following Emus & Turkeys around with a camera and it was one of the realest dreams I’ve had in a while. I woke up in a pretty good mood because I was amused at the dreaming and wondered what on Earth that was supposed to represent because my dreams always mean something… always. That’s just part of this whole Spiritual Awakening that I am the most fascinated with because Dreams are the Gateway and nobody could ever convince me otherwise.

So I grab my morning Coffee, my Pepsi, & if I’m gonna be honest I grabbed a Camel and sat down at the computer to search through the local Real Estate ads and my computer went NUTS when I tried to go to Realtor.com and somehow I ended up on Ebay. I haven’t been on Ebay for a long time and I remembered that I owed a Store fee so I figured I would jump in and pay it real quick. As soon as I made my payment I went to the home page and my blood ran cold…

There in the suggestions was an auction for EMU HATCHING EGGS. Right beside them was TURKEY HATCHING EGGS. I know how it all sounds but if I wanted to make something up it wouldn’t be this good 🙂

So here I sat thinking “oh okay.. this is what the dream was about“. then it hit me, I had not been searching eggs on Ebay but in all fairness I did buy some Silkie Eggs on Etsy so that could be where that came from but personally, I doubt it. Someone somewhere wanted me to get an EMU and some Turkeys apparently.

Considering the fact that I already bought farm land 1,900 miles away and I have dedicated this next year to prepping for the move, this probably isn’t a great idea to do right now but I listen to my signs, I always do and they have never led me wrong yet.

So I start looking around and oh my dear gosh.. go price an Emu egg.. seriously. Then price a few Turkey eggs.. this is a major purchase not to mention the fact that I would have to buy a new incubator, construct a pen, and lots of other things if I was gonna do this. I came close to just saying no but this all happened for a reason so with a very shaky hand and a pounding heart I paid over $500 for 3 eggs.

My belly sinks every time I think about that still yet and I haven’t even told Him how much they cost yet, we seem to kind of have a “don’t ask don’t tell” policy over the eggs because I think he’s seriously afraid to ask me because he doesn’t want his head to explode lol. And don’t forget the 6 turkey eggs that will be here an a few weeks.. I don’t have the guts to tell him about that just yet but after all this time with me I’m sure he expects it.

So, over a dream about Emus & Turkey dancing with me and an unknown dream friend who must be a Guide or Past Life Loved One that i didn’t recognize, I just spent a complete fortune and committed to the care of these creatures which may outlive me since they apparently live 25-30 years. That’s just how I roll though.. oh, and I also bought a really nice blogging camcorder because it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the message I got.

I have been wanting to start a YouTube Channel forever and a day but every time I decide what I want the channel to be about it sorta just goes south as soon as I start making videos because I am NOT a big fan of the camera but I got a pretty clear message and I can’t ignore it anymore I guess.

So here we go! I ordered 2 eggs from one Seller and an additional egg from another Seller just hoping to get a Blonde 🙂 and the new Incubator will be here tomorrow while the Eggs will be here Monday. It’s frigid in Ohio right now but my Silkie Eggs did fine with the trip across the country. I candled them just today and I have 6 healthy looking embryos dancing around in their eggs. 100% survival rate for eggs delivered in an ice storm is pretty darn good! The only egg that didn’t show any signs of Life was was the Parrott egg my bother’s bird laid but we knew there wasn’t very good odds of it being fertile anyway so it was expected.

Moving this crew of oddities to the Nevada Desert from Ohio isn’t going to be easy but I don’t worry… things work out as they are meant to and this will give me something to focus on this Spring and get me outside and within nature so that’s never a bad thing. Even though I am planning to leave here I still plan to plant some fruit trees so someday someone will get plenty of apples & peaches.

So that’s pretty much my latest update and it proves that you really just never know what is going to happen next. Stay tuned! I have an amazing story of Manifesting Abundance to share as well and that will be next. Remember a few weeks ago I was concentrating on Manifesting? Well.. $9k just dropped in my lap a few days ago and a lot more is on the way (How did you think I could pay $500 for 3 eggs? I don’t have it like that at all!). I tell people all the time that you really can create your own reality and manifest anything you need. All you have to do is know how to properly receive it.


I just started a Real Estate Investment Business so if any of my Readers are interested in Buying Homestead Land in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Oklahoma or another state just get ahold of me and I can get you the perfect property for MUCH less than a Realtor can. Or if someone needs to get out of an existing mortgage in the state of Ohio or Northern Kentucky/W. Virginia Valley Road Real Estate Solutions LLC can help. http://www.valleyroadlife.com

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